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Close Up of Pink Roses

Anne Lafrance

Metaphysical Nature Guide, Energy Surveyor, Earth Healer, Multidimensional Luminary, Intuitive, Artist

Working collaboratively with Nature and the Unseen World

Purple Glow
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I collaborate with nature from the earth and the cosmos to bring magic into daily life.  I celebrate the beauty life has to offer. I believe working with the elementals means working with all aspects of nature to bring you into conscious awareness, so you can approach life from the perspective of exploration.


My purpose is about helping others see that, to guide and help understand what nature is communicating to us all the time. My work in this lifetime is to help reunite the elementals and human realms in Divine loving truth and ignite the “Heart Recall” in us all.


I have trained as an intuitive, a Reiki master, animal communicator, energy strategist and of course my ongoing training with the elementals, nature beings, crystal skulls and other beings of the unseen worlds. I can tap into an array of ways of working with the various universal energies of love and light. I can show you how to look between the layers to gain a new perspective. I have the ability to look into the deepest shadows and the darkest of darkness, bringing light to it, clearing and transmuting.


With all of my personal life struggles and challenges, I have learned a lot about clearing and transmuting energies and healing the soul. Throughout it all, I have also learned to navigate the polarities of the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions.


All of my wisdom, skills and abilities are combined to offer powerful yet gentle unique sessions.

Welcome to my website!

This is a special place where you will find Earth Goddess and Fairy Queen magic. My soul is connected to Earth, the cosmos and the elementals. My heart is connected to nature and all that related to it.

One of my main missions is to bridge humanity and the multidimensional realms as well as help humanity see the truth, deconstruct the old and align to Earth’s 5D matrix. In order to achieve this, we must discover the greater truth and tap into our Heart Recall©.  My unique blend allows me to explore the polarity of life, balancing seriousness and play so we can approach life in a healthy and enjoyable way.

Make sure to sign up for the malling list to receive all the latest updates, event and training info as well as updates to my blog and occasional freebies. I promise not to inundate your inbox because like you I just want to hear when there something new being offered. 


Bringing humans and the nature beings together to work collaboratively to nurture our home and fostering a pure alliance in love and joy.  



Reawakening and expanding elemental souls to remember their truth and showing the beauty in the magic of everyday. Guiding others to empowerment through healing and teaching to work with the various aspects of nature, and in collaborating with the nature beings.

Crystal Skulls

Crystals and Crystal Skulls are gifts from nature and tools that can be used to help us on our journey.

Many cultures have and many still work with crystal skulls. There are a lot of misconceptions related to how crystals skulls have and should be worked with. Many people speak of ancient crystal skulls but there are very few of them. There are some elder crystal skulls as well and today there are many contemporary crystal skulls. Regardless of their age, they work together and collaboratively. 


There is also a lot of fear in society about working with crystal skulls. This is because few understand the truth of them. I have worked with crystal skulls for several years and am always learning more, always looking for the truth with them and how to work with them in the highest and best for all.


The crystals skulls test me to see if I will fall for the myths, legends and illusions surrounding crystal skulls or hold my own integrity and authenticity. And they lead me to the right people and places to help me on my own path. 


There are many types of carvings with the crystal skulls such as humanoid, galactic, dragon, unicorn, raven and many more. Although there is commonality with them, each had their ways of being and working. I have many crystal skulls, each unique in their own way. I work with them individually as well as a group. They guide me to be the best that I am. The journey continues, always from a place of

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What do Crystal Skulls and Elementals have in common?

The elementals are the caretakers of nature. Every part of nature has a crew of elemental beings helping them, working with them, and caring for them. Elementals exist all throughout the universe. Crystals are part of nature. The universe if made up of crystalline energies. Crystalline frequencies amplify all energetic movement. Beings living all over the universe including elementals work with the crystalline frequencies. Beings working in the light have formed a council to assist other beings to work with the crystalline frequencies. Crystal skulls have been a way to bridge that connection. As the early cultures knew, the skull accesses the wisdom from above through the crown chakra, so the skull is the physical gateway to this connection. Our body elementals assist us in keeping our chakras and field open and clear. Everything works together.

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Forest Path

Anne, we can't thank you enough for all you have done for Shiloh. Our fur baby was just five months old when we brought her home, she was so sick and so sad. We are so grateful for the healing you sent her and the connection you made with her. She needed to know this was her forever home and we needed the background information on her in order to help her heal. We immediately noticed a big difference in her the day after your healing session, her spirits had lifted, she knew she was home and on her way to recovering.


Kerri and Family

“Anne is a present, grounded, reliable and gifted psychic and healer who can help you in your time of need.  Her connection to Spirit is clear and she is able to offer accurate, helpful feedback and guidance.  Some of her many skills include the ability to clear densities, attachments, implants, psychic attack and sorcery.  Anne’s special relationship with the elemental, Crystal and animal kingdoms greatly enhance her healing work - not to mention her highly specialized ability to channel Crystal Skulls!  Anne brings more than 20 years of experience, integrity and compassion to her clients.” Karen Osborne

Spirit brought me to Ann and the Skulls under her care to amplify and wore more efficiently with my inner clearings and healings.  And, if you're being always told to, "Ground More", then the skulls will absolutely assist in clearing many things you may not have even considered that is blocking the ability to ground deeply.  As a substantial repeat customer, I have enlisted Anne and Skulls to assist in my ascension which has been the key to unlocking many things.  Trust the process and others will see the change and you will feel the difference.


- Dawn, Quantum Kahuna

I was introduced to Anne’s crystal skull healing work several years back at a time when I was deep In The Work of clearing and healing. I was impressed by how gentle, compassionate, and effective her skulls all were, and how they were able to address issues that were both deep and wide. In one session, her skull called back and integrated more than 60 Soul fragments (that’s a lot of trauma healed!) and in another her skull cleared deep seated money and self value limiting beliefs and lack energy. In both cases, I noticed marked differences in my external experiences such as increased Presence and self-confidence and far fewer surprise expenses showing up! I am shifting my money story into greater abundance and prosperity!I recently tried a new offering with her to gain clarity around my Soul Tribe and how I can best support them in a new offering I was creating, for their own healing journey. We walked the Medicine Wheel in this session and both intuitively centered in to what was being shown. I was already pretty clear on many facets of my Soul Tribe and their trauma but she Guided me to the clarity I was looking for on the aspects that were still missing. I LOVED working directly with Anne on this exploration, she holds the same compassion and gentleness as her skulls, and is such a CLEAR CHANNEL of Mother Earth and healing wisdom. Not only did I gain the insight I needed, I also gained a trusted Intuitive Guide for helping me bring my own healing offerings and contribution to the world. Thank You Anne and your cohort of Crystal Skulls! You have had a beautiful impact on me, my life, and my Call to Service. I look forward to working with you further!
Shelli Roberts

All truth! Anne did a crystal skull session for me and boy, did I get called out on my stuff. Lots of clearing too. It was amazing!

Heather Garrod


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